TSP 210wcm2014-06-01T20:27:55+02:00
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TSP 210 is a high range water reducing admixture based on the latest technology. It may be added to the concrete at the jobsite, or at the concrete plant. No chlorides is added to the formulation. It is compatible to air entraining agents, waterproofing agents and many other admixtures. Remember admixtures must be dosed separately when dosing multiple admixtures, and that the combined effects should be tested by trial mixes.
- Produce low water content and lower Water:Cement ratio for higher strengths
- Produce better flow able concrete at lower Water:Cement ratio
- Help with concrete placement that reduce labour cost
- Make high fly ash mix design possible
- When using with precast, high early strengths with CEM I, II cement is possible
- High performance concrete
- General ready mix concrete
- Heavily reinforced concrete
- Flatwork and mass concrete
- Minimum water content concrete
- High slump, flow able concrete
This datasheet has been prepared by Arrow Admixtures and its partners in good faith, based on available data for this product and similar products. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information.
Up To 35% Water Reduction
Cohesive Concrete,
Preventing Segregation
of Aggregates
Admixtures custom designed for your ready mix and precast plant
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Address: Plot 90, Lavender road, Onderstepoort, Pretoria, 2000